Electronic communications
Shareholders can receive communications from Caledonia in one of the following ways:
- Via our website with notification by post when available
- Via our website with notification by email when available
- Printed copies through the post
Electronic communications allow more efficient shareholder communication, reduce our impact on the environment and achieve cost savings in print and postage.
Changing your communication preference
Shareholders currently receiving a printed copy of our Annual Report and other documents who wish to sign up to receive future shareholder communications electronically can do so by changing their preferred method of communication. This can be done at any time online at www.signalshares.com.
Alternatively, please write to our registrar, Link Asset Services, at FREEPOST SAS, Link Group, 10th Floor, Central Square, 29 Wellington Street, Leeds, LS1 4DL (if you are a UK based shareholder) or to SAS, Link Group, 10th Floor, Central Square, 29 Wellington Street, Leeds, LS1 4DL (if you are a non-UK based shareholder). Please note that no stamp is required for letters from UK based shareholders.
We reserve the right to send shareholder’s printed documents than via our website where, for example, overseas securities laws do not permit electronic communication, or in other circumstances where we consider that delivery via the website may not be appropriate.
Half-year reports
To further reduce our impact on the environment and reduce costs, we have ceased production of printed hard copies of our half-year report. Our half-year results are only released to the London Stock Exchange and made available on our website.